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A collection of small artists' books
dedicated to experimental, concrete and visual poetry,
or any work combining text and visual arts
in the spirit of dada or fluxus.

Keith Buchholz
"Spirals, Cages, Boxes & Tapes"
August 2009 - 40 pages - A6

A6 format (10.5x15 cm / 4 x 6") - 40 pages
hardcover, thread and quarter cloth binding
laser printing on ivory paper.
price: 15 euro / 20 US $ / 13 UK Sterling

order your copy by email
or subscribe to the collection
and receive each book with invoice.
No postage charged.

Keith A. Buchholz
Is an American artist, located in St. Louis , Missouri, specializing in Intermedia and Fluxus.
A native of Illinois, he began showing work in the region in 1978. Over the years, works
have included large scale Installations, Documentation, Audio , Video, Artists Books,
and Mail Art networking. Keith Is a Member of The International Union of Mail Artists,
Fluxnexus, The Chicago Fluxus Ensemble, FLUXUS / WEST, and The International Fiber Collaborative.
He has shown work in projects in over 40 countries in the past year, and was recently
chosen as one of 30 American Artists to show their work in Kennedy Center, Washington D.C.
as a voice for Global Warming.
In the past year his work was featured in International Fluxhibition 2 & 3,
August Art ( LondonEAST Festival), It's Not Easy (being green) at EXIT/ART New York,
Artpool / Budapest, Planetary Failure - Rio De Janiero, Brazil, Resurgemus - Cornell University,
the Perfochironi festival in Colombia, The Venezuelan Biennale, Utopian Library at BAU in Italy,
Body and Copy at the National Academy of fine Arts in Havana, Cuba, "The Last Book"
at the National library in Madrid, Spain, From the World - National Gallery of Indonesia,
IMAGINE PEACE at the Corso Palladio in Venice, Italy, R-EVOLUTION at the Museum of Science,
UCP, Coimbra, Portugal, The 5th International Encounter of Visual Poetry, Maracay, Venezuela,
Soziale Stadt - Buechershop Gallery, Stuttgart, Germany, and "Your Documents Please",
(currently touring Japan, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Mexico, and back to New York),
and Outside / Inside Art ( 53rd Venice Biennale), among many other locations.
Keith's work has been published in the arts journals "Wipe", Field Study, Kart,
PostNation (Australia), "Venus" (Austria), Arte Postale (Italy), Kairan (Japan),
Arthole (U.S.A.), Mailartone (England), Think Here (Brazil), Open World (Serbia),
Spleen (Belgium), Re-Site (Australia), and 22 (Germany). He is featured in the books
Natural Born Fluxus, The Spam Poetry Game - An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry,
Under The Influence, New and Improved Fluxus, and Ongoing Text. His Artist's Book
"Velvet" was Published online By LaLande Press in Paris in 2007.
Keith currently operates Fluxus/St. Louis as a home base and studio, and an outpost
connecting St. Louis to the world Fluxus network.
He additionally Collaborates on ongoing Fluxus and Mailart projects worldwide,
and is the curator / publisher of Fluxkit Quarterly, An Editioned Fluxus publication
Archived by Over 20 museums worldwide including The Getty Museum Archive, MOCA Chicago,
Pedersen Archive (Copenhagen), St. Louis Art Museum, University of Iowa / Special Fluxus Collections,
Museum Fluxus + (Potsdam), University of Ohio Special Collections, and the Tate Archive (London).


Francis Van Maele
Dugort, Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland