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Bookfairs & Exhibitions

For more recent fairs and exhibitions
please check our FACEBOOK account

Exhibition in the Galeria AT in Poznan, Poland, December 2012
Visiting an exhibition of concrete poet Stanislaw Drozdz
The curator, Tomasz Wilmanski (Galeria AT), Antic-Ham and Joanna Adamczewska
Christmas athmosphere in Warshaw


The exhibition "INSTANT PEOPLE" travels to Westport in October
and to Luxembourg in November 2012
Article in the "Mayo News"


Exhibition at the KasselerKunstVereinsHeim in Kassel, Germany, July 2012
Article in a Kassel newspaper
The opening by Juergen O. Olbrich
Juergen O. Olbrich, Francis and Pedro Bericat from Spain
"Instant People" Polaroid performance


Codex in Berkeley, February 2011
Mail Art meeting at John Held's in San Francisco


The New York Art Book Fair, November 2010
The visit of Mark Bloch, Picasso Gaglione and wife Darlene.
Meeting Bill Wilson in Chelsea.


London Artists' Book Fair, I.C.A., November 2007
Having a cigarette on the Mall with John and John
from Reassemble and Liver & Light


Fine Press Fair, Brookes University, Oxford, November 2007


Small publishers fair, Conway Hall, London, October 2007
Tanya from the bookartbookshop in London and neighbour Les Coleman


Seoul Artists' Book Fair, June 2007
Receiving the silver price at the International Competition
Booth next to Sujak
Stencil decoration


Minipressenmesse, Mainz, Germany, May 2007
Printing in the Gutenberg Druckladen
With Uwe Petruch von Tuebingen


Bristol Artists' Book Event, Arnolfini, Bristol, April 2007


Small publishers fair, Conway Hall, London, November 2006
food offered by Casanova, greec restaurant nearby


London Artists bookfair, I.C.A., November 2006
Shop window with our books at Bookartbookshop, near Old Street


Artist Bookfair Seoul, june 2006
with Yim Hyun Chun at Sujak stand
and explaing collage to artist Han Tai Sang


Druksel, Ghent, Belgium, April 2006
mailartists Bernd Reichert and Luc Fierens


London Artists bookfair, I.C.A., November 2005
Andi Mcgarry ready to go back to Ireland


Fine press fair, Oxford, November 2005


Small publishers fair, Conway Hall, London, October 2005


Francis Van Maele
Dugort, Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland