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A collection of small artists' books
dedicated to experimental, concrete and visual poetry,
or any work combining text and visual arts
in the spirit of dada or fluxus.

Scott Helmes
"Poems From Then To Now"

Visaul poetry / Collages and rubberstamping.
A6 format - 48 pages - laser printing.
Thread and quarter cloth binding
December 2010
price: 15 euro / 20 US $ / 13 UK Sterling

you can order also by email at info@redfoxpress.com

This book is also available at

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Concrete Poems

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Rubberstamp Poems

        Since 1976, Scott Helmes has been a leading international
        figure in experimental poetry. Work has been published
        in notable magazines, including Poetry, Paris Review,
        Tam Tam and the Notre Dame Review. Recent poems have
        been published or exhibited in India, Turkey, Cuba, Russia
        and England.
        He is also a founding member of the Be Blank Consort.
        As a writer, his work has appeared in Print, Minneapolis-
        St. Paul, Minnesota Monthly, and Whistling Shade,
        including non-fiction and fiction.
        As an artist, mail artist and photographer, he exhibited
        throughout the world.
        His work is included in museum collections world wide
        and his writing archive from 1972 to 1997 is in the Avant
        Writing Collection of The Ohio State Libraries.
        Scott Helmes lives in St. Paul, MN, USA.