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A collection of small artists' books
dedicated to experimental, concrete and visual poetry,
or any work combining text and visual arts
in the spirit of dadaism or fluxus.

Alec Finlay
"Change what changes"
circular poems
November 2007 - 40 pages - A6

A6 format (10.5x15 cm / 4 x 6") - 40 pages
hardcover, thread and quarter cloth binding
laser printing on ivory paper.
price: 15 euro / 20 US $ / 13 UK Sterling

order your copy by email
or subscribe to the collection
and receive each book with invoice.
No postage charged.


a circle poem is not a flat line drawn in a loop
a circle poem is an arc in time
circle poems favour rhythm over syntax
a circle poem deomnstrates that an end can be a beginning and a beginning an end
in a circle poem there should be no visible joins
the classical subjects of circle poetry are time and tide
a year contains four circle poems

Alec Finlay (1966, Scotland), artist poet and publisher (morning star, platform projects, pocketbooks).
Currently artist in residence at NaREC, National Centre for Renewable Energy, Blyth, and the Kielder Observatory.
Recent publications include 'Waterlog', accompanying an exhibition at the Castle Museum and SCVA, Norwich (Film and Video Umbrella); 'two wheat fields seeded with a poppy-poem' a pamphlet and web-book documenting a public artwork commissioned by Milton Keynes Gallery; an anthology 'Mesostic Laboratorium' (platform projects); and a study of the Wittgenstein house at Skjolden, 'Ludwig Wittgenstein: There Where You Are Not', with Guy Moreton and Michael Nedo (Black Dog).
Alec has worked as a renga master for the past seen years (www.renga-platform.co.uk).
He edited an anthology of circle poems, 'turning toward living' (morning star, 2004).
For further information on these publications and artist projects see www.alecfinlay.com

Francis Van Maele
Dugort, Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland