
A collection of small artists' books
dedicated to experimental, concrete and visual poetry,
or any work combining text and visual arts
in the spirit of dada or fluxus.
Demosthenes Agrafiotis
Collages, drawings, writings, texts, photography...
A6 format - 40 pages - laser printing.
Thread and quarter cloth binding
January 2011
price: 15 euro / 20 US $ / 13 UK Sterling
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Demosthenes Agrafiotis was born in 1946
and lives in Athens.
He is active in the fields of poetry/painting/
photography/intermedia and their interactions,
with books of poetry and essays, and exhibitions
of photography paintings- drawings and
installations, both in Greece and abroad.
He has a special interest for the relations between
art and new technologies, for multimedia or
intermedia projects and also for performances.
His essays are dedicated to analysis of different
forms of art as cultural phenomenon. He has
participated in different type of artistic activities:
publications, small press initiatives and mail - art /
alternative - art projects.
you can order your copy also by email.