Hand printed Artists' Books
in limited signed editions
texts from Hölderlin (in German)
with 8 screen prints from René Böll
20 x 30 cm, 40 pages,
hand pulled screen printing
BFK Rives 250 gr
acryl slipcase
50 signed and numbered copies
date of publication: 15.5.2010
Rene Böll
1948 Born in Cologne, Germany
1963 Began drawing and painting
1966 Instructed by the artist Bernhard Müller-Feyen
1967 Studied painting and graphic arts in Cologne and Vienna
Free lance painter
1972 First experiments with Chinese and Japanese ink
1975 - 88 Cofounder and publisher of the Lamuv Publishing House
Publisher, translator and photograph
1985 Editor of six volumes of "Complete letters of Vincent van Gogh"
Since 1988 again Freelance painter
Presently working mainly with Chinese ink, silverpoint, oilpainting, watercolour and printmaking
Study trips to Ecuador, Ireland, Russia, Kenya, China.
Seminars: use of colours, pigment history, painting technique.
Solo Exhibitions in China, Czechia, Ecuador, Germany , Ireland, the
Netherlands, Switzerland, USA since 1972
among others:
1996 Art Hall of China, Beijing, China
1996 Art Hall of Shandong, Jinan, China
1996 Dragon Museum, Weifang, China
1996 Art Hall Xian, China
1998 Posada des Artes Kingman, Quito, Ecuador
2000 "East meets West" Trout Gallery, Dickinson College, Carlisle. P.A. USA together with Sozan Matsuba
2002 University of Limerick, Irland,
2002 German Embassy, Beijing, China together with Gu Gan
2007 Custom House, Westport
Group Exhibitions (Selection)
1998 "Nine West": German Artists in Weifang and Jinan, China
1998 1. International Biennal Ink Painting, Shenzen, China
Symposium, Projects
1996 Symposium of Chinese ink painters, Goethe-Institut, Beijing, China
1997 Study trip to northwest China, Takla Makan and Gobi desert
(supported by the Nordrhein-Westfalen-Foundation for the Arts and Culture)
With Günther Beckers co-founder of the Artist Museum Beckers-Böll, Aachen and Cologne