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Artists' Books
in limited signed editions


"S I R I K I T"

with 14 screenprints
In german language
with chinese translation from Zhang Zao.

size 25 x 33 cm
Arches paper 250 gr.
28 pages

75 numbered and signed copies
Price: 245 euros / 340 US $ / 220 Pds St
Date of publication: july 2007

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Ludwig Harig was born in Sulzbach/Saarland in 1927. Since 1974 lives as a freelance writer.
In the 1950s he was part of the experimental "Stuttgart School" around Max Bense.
The 1960s saw him branching out into different genres, in particular the radio play,
and by the late 1970s he had developed the self-reflexive, playful,
but realistic chronicler's style that characterizes his late work.
He is best known for his autobiographical trilogy: Ordnung ist das ganze Leben (1986),
Weh dem, der aus der Reihe tanzt (1990), and Wer mit den Woelfen heult wird Wolf (1996),
a sarcastic panorama of German history 1914-1945,
as reflected in the life of a family near the Franco-German border.

Francis Van Maele
Dugort, Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland